您现在的位置: Agreeable hair in the farmland of PuTian shoe industry limit > 商铺首页 |
Our company is since establish, following" the customer is highest, thin 琢 in雕 in精 , try for the best," of operate the aim, sell the realm to create the high peak often in the shoe industry, the company is since establishment, regard" customer the first, quantity the first, profession the first," as the aim principle always, passing by many year not the effort of the 懈 , I take charge of far the product of 销 more than 30 nations and regions get the 赞誉 of the outside businessman in the inside of inside. 商铺网址:http://cgsxie.cn.vooec.com
手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/c_cgsxie.html 主营业务:The product of the main sale in company contain every form brand leisure shoe, athletic shoes...etc. 经营模式:
生产型 成立年份:2006年 |
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